Apoio – Support


Ornithos Website is made possible by support from viewers. Please donate.
“Paypal has now an office in Brazil and limited my account. They say I need to be a NGO or a company to get the donations. They also won’t let me get the donations made on the last couple of months. I’m trying to return those last donations and setting a new account on a different company.”


  Ornithos Website has now 5 years of live streaming.

  In this time we reached more than 170 countries and more than 1,5 million viewers.

  But the most important… we placed Morretes city and it’s surrounds on the birdwatchers map.

  Surrounded by the largest continuous area of preserved Atlantic Rainforest Morretes is now a place well visited by birders from all around Brazil. Some birders from USA, UK, Austria, Australia and other countries have also come to the area.

  And those who live in the area can now see preservation is possible.

  But now we need your help to keep doing this job.

  A few partnerships are about to start and we need to survive untill there.

  So if you have a few money left for charity… please think on preserving the Atlantic Rainforest and give us a little help.

  Any ammount is really welcome!

Best regards.
Luciano Breves (luck2105)

Click on DONATE to see the options.



Thank you all for helping! Ornithos wouldn’t be possible without you!

  • Lesley Z.
  • Susu
  • Alan J.
  • Dale H.
  • HR
  • Deborah B.
  • Campbell
  • Elizabeth Z.
  • Heather M.
  • Linda P.
  • Ludger K.
  • Faye G.
  • C A H.
  • Albert P.
  • Tina C.
  • Ludger K.
  • Sergey L.

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